Locating the part on available material

First time owner (Crossfire XL) here and have a really dumb question. When locating a part onto an available section of material, do I simply jog the torch to the edge of the solid material, then zero out the DRO?

I’m just a hobbyist, and a frugal one at that. Most of the material I have, or will have is/will be recycled stuff. As such, it will be odd shaped and I’ll want to use every bit that I can.

My machine is assembled and seems to work fine. I created a few DXFs in AutoCAD, created the G-code (in Fusion 360) and performed a few dry runs. The one nugget of info I’ve not been able to find is, what is the correct way to locate a part onto the available material?

Jog and zero.

You can create an “origin” point to set the end point/corner of a design to better allow you to jog and zero your torch.

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Zero all axis on the spot where you want the origin point of your drawing to be. Usually that’s the lower left corner of the drawing. I think this is referred to as the “box point” in Fusion.

Jog the torch around the drawing and make sure it fits in the available space.

Make adjustments to your zero point and check again is necessary.