Linux... what happened?

Id certainly be interested in a linux package of fire control. Having something that could run of a single board computer like a raspberry pi or the like making a dedicated controller, thatd be awesome. Its done quite a bit on 3d printers so im sure its possible. Im sure theres not as much demand and theres development cost, but it would seem to be a worthwhile investment.


I understand your frustration due to the fact they said they would have a Linux version sometime, but I disagree with your assertion that a huge percentage of DIY types use Linux. I would bet large sums of money that less than 2% of folks who bought these machines tinker with Linux and even less use it as their only computer system. The vast majority are going to use Mac and PC. It’s just math with the current market share.

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You sort of missed my point. If you have a business and said business has finite resources, those resources are best put to use where they are most effective for the business. I’m sure if say Windows goes subscription and they loose 10% of market share and Linux picks up 80% of that share there would be a Linux port within weeks.


FireControl is java based I believe. So porting it should be “easy”. However, LS supporting Linux is probably a pain because of the various Linux distributions and java VMs. It might be possible to find the right jar file in an extracted exe file. However that might be a violation of their TOS. The Xpro’s motion board is grbl based, so any serial g-code sender will work. However, the THC serial communication packet structure is another story. I’ve been running Linux continually since slackware 1.2 in 1994. I’m always for a native Linux port of software. In the past couple years, I’ve got used to running WSL/X on win10 or win11 which works fine. Its nice to run Fusion, sheetcam, FireControl, xterm, ssh, git and vim all at the same time. I’m just an old curmudgeon. Fight the FOSS fight and good luck.


I reached out to the team to see if I could get an update on the Linux port of FireControl.

I can tell you that it is still in development, but as the demand is quite low, other projects have taken priority. That said, we are actively expanding our software team to ensure timely and high quality updates, bug fixes, and improved functionality for all of the software we offer. This includes ensuring that FireControl (and CutControl, and BendControl) is available to as many users as possible.

I’ll keep y’all updated when I hear back.


Good of you to say so, glad to see LS paying attention.

Open the source and people would do your coding for free - even on weekends, or adding things you’ve never thought of.

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MicroCRAP would never do that. Not enough ways to track all your keystrokes and report aback to headquarters. I bought a new computer to use with Fusion, Inkscape and other graphic design programs. If I remember correctly there were 7 screens of different tracking questions I either had to agree to or deny just to set up MicroCRAP. Then watched a video about all the other settings to turn off for some level of privacy. I use Linux for Inkscape and when I get more RAM I’m going to try a virtual machine to run F360 seems to be some success with that. Never forget Nothing is FREE… You are now the product. Search your name and town… it’s disturbing.

Certainly agree. The Open Source community for 3d printing, laser, plasma and vinyl is pretty unique and that extra brain power would certainly bring out positive development.

LS can offer a “Stable” verified version and the Open Source community can tweak

I used Marlin for an Ender 3 V2 when those first came out there were a bunch of problems with the firmware. I used to know how to code things when I was hacking XBOXs then I became a firefighter paramedic and stopped doing computer things.

Waiting on some nozzles and electrodes so I have been combing through old post reading all the history of problems .

My first nozzle lasted 586 pierces and 49 minutes or arc. The second on lasted 240 pierces and just 16minutes of arc. I was cutting to slow… lesson learned. ordered 15 nozzles, 15 electrodes, 2 swirl rings, 1 retainer, and 2 shields.

Back to edumicating myself…