Kinetic yard art

This weekend’s plan is making a rocking bird and using a weight to balance it on a pivot point. I have done flowers and wind vanes using thrust bearings and flanged ball bearings but never one with a counterweight. If anyone has any tips or tricks, please post them.


Don there is no one here on the same level as you with yard art. So don’t expect many tips or tricks my friend!:nerd_face:

There are some pretty talented folks on here but might not post much. interesting to see what others are doing and making.

Just made this up quick. It’ll have a weight that will balance it. I just needed to see it move so made quick video.


Hey Don,

I can just barely hear you in several of your videos. Not loud enough to understand what you are saying. Still usually learn something just by watching though! Thanks for the efforts.

I didn’t have much to say in this video and daughter was playing in background but I’ll do a really cool video and show a bunch of things like center of mass and why so important when trying to balance things for movement. I’m not pro in fusion but so many cool things to learn in fusion that help in designing.