Just ordered the 6 block bundle

I am planning on using them either two or three separate tables and combining them when needed for bigger projects. I have ordered caster for them already, the same ones I have on my crossfire pro. Any tooling you guys have made or purchased that you love? Tell me what you are using and advice or mods you have done. Thank you for your time, RJ

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I do not have my tables yet…that is this summer…but I do have a cheap one…
my basic mods are I have purchased cheaper small bar clamps and cut off one end and welded on a piece of steel…these are not mine…but it gives an idea of what I am talking about


Used the one of the tables for the first time, and loved it. Was so nice for a easy clamp and not putting lead on the product.

Yeah, I was welding a ring that I rolled out of 1” tube. Couldn’t have been done with the fixture holes. Same thing with some bumper mounts I was making. Clamped to the top and side to get the east 90 degree.

It’s a great table.

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