Just made my first test cut!

2in square with 0.5 hole on 11ga steel. Pretty happy with the results, its perfectly square and measures what it should. Hypertherm 45 with fine cut at 35 amps. the 20 sec post flow made quite a splash, i’m thinking i might need to invest in a kiddie pool :rofl:
i got a USB / THC error but i think that’s because my mac doesnt have the regular USB port, only the oval USB4 ports so i’m using a dongle… any other mac users here with similar issue?

Super pumped, might even cut a F bomb opener :metal:


Congratulations :balloon:. It is a good feeling, for sure. Lots of anxiety and apprehension leading up to the first cut.

Yea, that takes a little getting used to.

  1. A quick fix is to have a piece of scrap metal to slide under the torch as soon as it is done cutting, or
  2. Try to have the cut end more in the middle of the table and not on the edge, or
  3. Have a blue-tooth keypad that you hold and press the 2,4,6,or 8 to move the torch over your current metal.
  4. Or simply use the command keys in FireControl to move the torch.

Try to take note of exactly what the error was if it happens again.


Thanks, great idea on the bluetooth keypad!

I assumed you tried the [Re-flash firmware] button? I have not seen this error before.

Is this light green on your FireControl screen?

If not, I would re-seat the THC chip.

I used a dongle on my MacBook Pro for a while; never saw that error.


its green but slightly darker:

i’d need a PC to flash the firmware, which i’ll try that eventually but right now i dont have one.

i’ll go check if the chip is seated properly!

I would probably start a ticket with Langmuir, just to get their input. Odds are your machine will run fine if you are not needing the benefit of THC.

The IHS (Initial height sensing) is determining where the plate is and setting your initial height and that process will happen with or without the THC. You just won’t get the added benefits of reacting to variations of the height. So you won’t hurt the machine to run it like it is.


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That’s not how that is supposed to look. It should have the firmware version displayed, instead of the serial bus.

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