Just getting more and more impressed with my 82i decision

Last week I got a chance to really put it to the test. Only problem I had was my breaker to the welder is still only 80 amp and it tripped a few times unfortunately.
SIL’s neighbor works on airplanes and asked if I was able to cut two tools for him. Not sure what they are called but they look like an open-end wrench head and are to torque down a HUGE nut on some cessnas. The ID for the tool was 4.875" and I had to cut it out of 3/4" plate.
I figured what the hell, it was a great challenge for my design skills and mostly for the capabilities of the 82i.
Drew it up based on a picture of the engineers drawing on his phone (told him it would be nice and easier if he actually had the file but oh well…)
Having no idea what settings to try for 3/4" plate I just extrapolated an edumacated guess from 1/2" which I am familiar with.
Other than the breaker tripping and disappointing me, once dialed in it was amazing. I must say the cut quality was probably smoother than a laser. Mic’d the top and bottom of the cut of the inside diameter and it was a whole .003 difference. Divide that by the two sides and I believe that makes .0015" taper so basically absolutely no taper in 3/4" thickness.
Dross was pretty heavy but it knocked right off with a chipping hammer.
Started testing pierce delay and practice cuts, settled on 2.8 sec pd and 20 ipm, 80 amps.
I should have gotten better pictures but I never think of things like that until it’s too late. The few rough spots are where the breaker tripped and I had to run back over that line. luckily they were not in any critical areas.

Apparently the owner of the company asked him if I could make more of these and others if he sends over a PO.


I would say you got it dialed in. Looks fantastic.

Looks great! Now that I’ve got a 200 amp service and a larger breaker I’ll be able to turn up my 82i to the max. I’ve been limited do to tripping my breaker when the compressor kicks on. It’s great to see that 3/4" plate is possible with the full power of the 82i. Thanks for sharing!


Just be cautious about the dreaded Duty Cycle trip.
About 7 to 10 minutes of cut time is what I have experienced at 80 amps.
I think It’s EO4


Was mindful of this, figured it would only take under 3 minutes to cut one so was well under the duty cycle threshold. I’m not even sure if my settings were optimal, only glad they worked. lol
I may have been able to dial down the amps or speed up a little but wasn’t going to push it.
Going to have my electrician upgrade this breaker some time but not worried about it since it’s a rarity that I have to push it more than 60 amps.

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