Just did my first cuts!

Since you’ve isolated the electrical noise issue, I’ll jump in on this. I normally run with my work clamp attached to the material and because it’s often smaller than the table, one side of the clamp’s handle is in the water. Works fine.

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Just had it happen again :frowning: going to try another laptop later and see if that’s my issue.

I’ve always clamped to the side of my water table, in the water. I’d be curious if anyone has a good reason why this is an issue?

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We are sorry to hear that! Another laptop could help but it really does sound like a noise issue. We are going to do some EMI noise testing on Monday so we can better understand the issue. There are several strategies that can be used to combat noise so hopefully we can provide more guidance for you soon! In the meantime you were on the right track with moving your plasma cutter as far away as the cables will allow and hopefully another laptop will offer some improvement.

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Is it noise between the laptop and the plasma or the control box and the plasma? Just so can make sure im getting it as far away from the right thing.

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Curious if you are still experiencing the noise related issues? We did a bunch of testing and have a fix for it fortunately. We posted about it here so please check it out when you can and let us know!

I am. Just sent an email. Thanks!!