Is this worth it?

I’m reading all of the issues on this forum, just wondering if this purchase is worth it. I really love working with metal. Just don’t know.

I can only speak for myself but I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience. I only wish I had more time to play with my machine. There is a learning curve and you need to understand that most of what you will do will be design work on the computer. I think the regulars on this forum are one of Langmuir’s biggest assets. You will find there are some truly top notch people on here that are very knowledgeable and helpful.

I would recommend experimenting with some design programs… there are free programs available and most licensed programs have some type of trial period. If you find it is something you enjoy I don’t think you will regret purchasing from Langmuir.

Another important thing to consider is the cutter you will pair with the table. Do your homework and make sure the machine you buy is compatible with the table. I recommend following the list of compatible machines from the Langmuir website. My machine isn’t on the list, and though it is working well now, I could have avoided some of the headaches and stress if I had purchased a machine from the Langmuir list.

If you do decide to purchase a table I recommend spending allot of time reading this forum and reading the material Langmuir has published so you are ready when your table arrives.

I was surprised how much satisfaction I got from my first cut… a simple test coupon. I have found increased satisfaction with each piece I have designed and cut since. For me it has been a rewarding experience.


thank you so much, that’s just what i needed to hear. i think i’m gonna pull the trigger.


@72Pony said it well and I would add. that this forum is for resolving issues, it’s understandable that the vast majority of the content here is issues.

I have enjoyed my machine very much.


“is it worth it” is a value question. Only you can determine the value to you based on what your wants/needs are, vs your resources available.

I will say, having built several different kinds of CNC equipment (Lasers, Routers, 3D Printers, and, with CrossFire, Plasma cutters), that, you get a LOT of CNC metal cutting capability with this platform. I think it is an optimal blend of capability & economic/efficient implementation. You can interpret this as saying, it may not be perfect, but you’re also not wasting any money. Mix that with the support you get on this forum and the combination is, IMO, unbeatable.

Bear in mind, since it is not perfect, you DO have to invest SOME effort to get optimum results.


It depends on what your goal is. If you want to start a plasma cutting business, the Crossfire or Crossfire Pro are not the way to go. They are great machines and allow us to make projects that we would not otherwise be able to do, but they are not production machines. If you want the ability to design parts and cut them for your metal projects, this is a great addition to the shop.

I will add that there is a learning curve to designing, creating toolpaths and finding the correct cut settings to work with your plasma cutter. It is not as simple as finding a picture on the internet and loading it into the software to cut. I see a lot of people buying these tables and thinking they are buying a Cricut for metal, where they can just upload a picture and click “make it”. Those people generally put their table up for sale after learning that its not that easy.

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thank you very much

thank you for your input

thank you for your input. I have another question, I can buy a pro, pretty cheap, still in the boxes, however its been sitting in a storage unit for about a year. should i be concerned about the electronics sitting for so long?

I love working with metal and want to learn everything i can about this platform and cnc plasma in general. thanks again


If it stayed dry and it’s still in the packaging there should be no problems at all.

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Great addition to my shop, had mine just shy of 2 years now… Happy customer here. :partying_face: :beers:

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Which cutter are you using

Hi Jamestd

“is it worth it?” What I will tell you is that once you get up and running, which includes many, many “moving parts” YES it is worth it! Truly amazing what you can do/fabricate… things that would be near impossible, or very difficult are now easily possible, and exactly duplicate able (is that a word?) … BUT it takes time to get there…software to load & learn, the machine itself to assemble and dial in, the plasma cutter, air supply, maybe struggle with a computer, etc etc… but agn, once you get there you will start thinking a whole different way abt design & fabrication…

go for it!


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PrimeWeld CUT60

thank you so much sir, i really needed to hear that. I am extremely excited. I just unboxed mine. sitting down to study assembly videos and literature. thanks again.
