I’m having issues getting my XR up and running (see this thread: New XR table binding and racking real bad at the ends at 400ipm - #9 by FamousElementsStudio ) and I have orders absolutely have to get cooking on this machine. I really don’t want to have to use the OG table as it’s going to add a full day worth of work to the order. I left a message on Monday afternoon but didn’t hear back from anybody yet. I know the support with Langmuir is really good historically so I’m not worried there.
We just did a home routine and then ran the break in program and had a bad Y axis issue as the Y gantry was heading out from home mid way on travel The Y2 side stalled or lagged and the Y1 side ( monitor and cable tray side) skewed the until we hit stop. We had to push Y2 side FW to square then re homed to recover. we will look closer at the lead screws for Y - they seem like they need a bit more tension to keep them from vibrating, similar to tuning a guitar and not sure if that was the issue, just brainstorming. Ken
One other thing I just thought about being a seasoned automation machine builder. Why didn’t they cycle the Z axis up and down on the break in routine, Potentially no paint to remove on that axis ? K