Inkscape issues

I’m using INKSCAPE to create my dxf files. After importing to Fusion the image doesn’t stay crisp and clean like it looked before. Images/lines/letters are sometimes crooked, distorted and wavy. Sharp, square corners become rounded. I’ve played around with the settings while doing the trace bitmap and I’ve saved as dxf and svg. Anyone else had this happen?

If you’re using Inkscape, just stick with SVG (plain SVG, not Inkscape or optimized or compressed SVG). It’s native for Inkscape so you’ll get a better file translation than going with DXF. DXF is an older, but near universal, file format that by virtue of it’s ability to be used by just about everything is a less efficient and more “lowest common denominator” format so it doesn’t render complex curves and such as smoothly as SVG. Fusion can handle either one so if you’ve got the option, go with SVG.

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ok, cool. Thanks James

I’m opening the plain svg in sheetcam but it’s coming up way larger in size then in Inkscape.
Also saying there is no later? Anyone else having this problem? Any help with the issue? Thnx

What did you tell it to scale as? If you’re working in inches in Inkscape then you want to scale to !:!. If it thinks your SVG is metric it will go to 1:25.4 and be huge.

originally it was the other the. i did it 1 for 1 but its still off about an inch or so

That could be a DPI issue between the two apps.

Inkscape has used 72 dpi, 92 dpi and 96 dpi (the last is the current default) in different iterations. That’s caused slight size differences between Inkscape and other programs I’ve used where the other program assumes a different DPI setting. It’s kind of silly because DPI isn’t a good measurement system for non-print oriented work.

But if you’re off 72/96ths or 92/96ths (75% or 1.33X if it’s 72/96ths, or 95.8% or 1.04X size) that’s likely the problem. If you find that to be the case you can simply change the DPI setting in Inkscape to match (most applications now use 96dpi when using DPI as a measurement).