Anyone using a Powermax 900? I started this hoping there where others and we could share voltage and ipm setting for different material and thicknesses. I’m using the original hand torch (haven’t done the retrofit cause I have thousand in consumables still).
So far I have run 1/4 cold roll at 50 amps / 25 imp / 70psi and have a very smooth cut with very little doss/slag on the back side.
I"m trying to figure out a good combo for 11 gauge stainless now.
Will update when I cut new and different materials
Hi. I too am using a Powermax 900. I have the Duramax hand torch. With 45A consumables (and a drag shield I modified on the lathe, I had pretty good luck in terms of dross and cut quality with 10ga CRS at 55A, 70 psi, and the 160 ipm recommended in the cut chart.
My lead ins need improvement, and at the inside corners, it gets pretty beveled, and is a bit more beveled all around than I would like. I will try some test cuts in the 10ga and see if I can improve the beveling by slowing down a bit.
With my 1/4 material I was getting some what I call wash out, the bottom of the cut not keeping up with the top. I went into the program in the editor and slowed the feed down in the radius then speed it back up afterwards.
I know this is an old thread but I just ordered my Crossfire Pro with the razorweld 45 but I also have a Powermax 900. I bought the razorweld for simplicity on initial setup but I do plan to get my Powermax wired in for thicker stuff. Would love any advice/pics etc you have for me. Thanks in advance!
Perfect timing, I need some Powermax 900 info as well. I don’t have a torch for mine. Looking to buy a new duramax retrofit torch. Hopefully it’s pretty straight forward to wire it all up to work with the table.
Lets bump this back up again. I too am using a Powermax 900. Cutting a lot of 1/2" bar stock for farm parts. Anyone got a cut chart worked up for this machine?
Ah! HE strikes again!
The world knows him as ‘TinWhisperer’, a jovial man who helps everyone with whatever they might need to know.
In reality he is known to the underworld as…
There! I’ve said it! I’ve exposed the truth! A man who has gathered ALL the manuals known to man and has stored them in his secret underground vaults deep below Mystery Mountain! And, there, he plots… One day he will have them all! Have you ever looked for a manual for a machine you bought 15 years ago and can’t find it? Ha ha, he’s got it. Soon, very soon now, he will have them ALL!
Manual Man will have them all and we will be at his mercy!
Don’t ask me how I know this… um, I hear someone coming… I need to leave now…