Hypertherm Powermax 30xp firing issues

Figured it out. Not the torch.

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Bad mainboard?

What did you figure out? What lead you to the error?

Is it fixed now?

I see the PCB pictures in your pictures but I do not see any obvious damage or burns.

If you look closely, easier in person, there are black burn marks coming from under the (white) heat transfer plate. I contacted Hypertherm and they said my machine is still under warranty. I’m sending it in hoping they will fix it.

I did all the ohms tests on everything in the torch and determined it was not a torch issue. So I took the machine apart and found this.

Any chance you have any hires pictures showing the components located right by the little black heatsink. Specifically I am looking for the writing on the gray box capacitor next to it. The little black heatsink covers a TO220 device that is the flyback power supply for running the entire control board. Mine exploded and I am not sure if the capacitor next to it is any good.

I see you took out the PFC IGBT. Most likely just a weak part. I do power supply design and IGBTs are very rugged devices. Killing one takes a bit.
