Hypertherm Fine cut setup

Using a 45XP with a machine torch and want to make sure I am getting the correct parts.

Looking a the chart above, I assume I need 220947 (Swirl ring) 220930 (Nozzel), and 220955 (Shield) I am having a hard time finding the shield… What is the difference between 220955 and 220948? Also, I know I want genuine Nozzles and Electrodes, but what about the shields?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

George can answer this very well…and he sells torch consumables

Those part numbers look like the ones for fine cut nozzle and a regular cut swirl ring. Were you able to figure it out? I am in the same boat trying to get new consumable parts. If George works for Langmier then he must not have worked there in December because nobody knew anything about what consumables I would need. I have a machine head and the Langmier store looks like it only has parts for the hand held torch. the hypertherm store lists a different swirl ring for the fine cut cap and the shield they reccomend doesnt list a 45xp in the fitment chat when you pull up the part description. Very frusterating,

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These are the part numbers you need.

Don’t be concerned that they come up as 65 or 85 when you search for them. Also, Hypertherm hand and machine torches use the same consumables. The only one that lists hand torch only is the drag shield, mainly because you don’t drag a machine torch.

I buy all of my consumables from Baker’s Gas and Welding.

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The fine cut consumables are for the 30XP and work on the 45XP. This place has them all in stock https://harrisweldingsupplies.com

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Thats awsome! Thank you!

Have you worked with the fine cut consumables? Just wondering if its worth a try.

Fine cut consumables work best on thinner metal. The cutting tip/nozzle has a smaller orifice hole making a smaller flame so you get a thinner kerf. The fine cut consumables are designed to work at lower amps (15 to 30) with an orifice hole of 0.8mm/.029" were as a standard 45 amp cutting tip/nozzle has a 1.0mm/.040" orifice hole.

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