How to cut a line?

how can I extrude a drawing that has a line in it? It does not show up.

Should I just break down and get sheetcam? F360 really isnt working for me so far.

There is a way to do it with fusion. But if I recall, you can’t cut right on the line, you have to have an offset regardless.

Sheetcam has been worth every penny for me, picked it up in an evening and it does everything I need it to.

I’m not sure if there is a way for a line to show up when you extrude I never do it but that doesnt mean there isn’t a way.
If you want to manufacture g code from your sketch you can do it that way.
To cut the straight line with no offset or lead in put your offset to center and set your pierce clearance to 0.

Here you go

Maybe not what you’re looking for since you’re talking about extruding. Thought it might help though.

I’m not sure what the line is for? I have extruded a couple of lines. If I am going to cut a line I use an offset on either side that would be equal the the width of the kerf of the cutter or torch. Then it will extrude a hollow where the line should be. I have been able to keep the original line where it is and when I am ready to do the program I just pick that line do cut center and ignore the offset. Like I said “I am not sure of what you are doing with the line”.

@EdElser I made a video showing how this is done.


very helpful!! thanks!