Just got mine today! packaging was good… one of the tubes was poking through (the one with the ball screw in it… I’m hoping nothing else was in that tube if there was its gone.
@rccrazy30 glad to hear you received your machine. The only thing inside that tube is the lead screws (2) so you should be good to go.
Lol, good humor! Got mine last night and will be at it this afternoon!
I got mine mostly together today. Sadly I’m missing the drain plug for the water table and 1 of the 2 lead nuts was broken in the bag already emailed customer support and their taking care of it. Other then those 2 issues the machine went together really easily i spent maybe 2 hrs on it at most.
It’s good to know that it’s easy to assemble. I have built a couple low Cost CNC/ 3D printers that are much smaller that have take days to assemble properly.
Hopefully you get the replacements for the damaged parts quickly!
Hi @rccrazy30- your replacement parts are going out with today’s orders. Since learning that your lead nut broke, we revised the way those get packaged so hopefully it doesn’t happen again.
LOL - I’d have been down to the hardware store and locally sourced those No way if I were that close to cutting that I’d have the patience to wait for the replacements to come in. I’m way too antsy when it comes to a new toy to wait for a bolt or a plug.
Awesome! When putting the lead nut on in the video it looks like goes on pretty easy but with the 1 good lead nut I have I had to compress the spring a little to get it to thread on smoothly. I feel like if people don’t know that their going to crank on it and cross thread something.
If it was just the drain plug I would probably have done that at least temporally until the part came. But the lead nut isn’t something Im going to find at a hardware store.
Yeah that is a good point, we should have explained that in the installation video.
As far as the broken lead nut, i’m guessing that one of the tangs broke off? If that is the case, you may choose to still move forward with getting your machine up and running with the other two tangs intact. Then when you receive the replacement it should just take 10 minutes or so to swap out.
Good point. Yeah, I realized that compressing the spring worked when I couldn’t get it on as easily as the guy in the video.
Unfortunately 2 of the tabs are broken off so theres only one left.
Ok thanks for letting us know. To date we haven’t heard of anyone else receiving damaged lead nuts, so hopefully it will remain an isolated case. For the future we are going to bolster up how the leads nuts get packaged to prevent this from occurring in the future.
I got mine today. Super easy to put together using the videos. Good job Langmuir!
Hi tbuck, looks like your from michigan. I’m thinking of purchasing one of these systems. Before I pull the trigger, I’d love to see one working in person, I live in the Detroit area, would you happen to live close by and be willing to show off your machine?