How do i set my parameters to cut the same as it cut a fireshare program

i am running a cut ready program call the honda flange and my table cut it very nicely however, when i try to cut out my own image it freezes. how can i find the parameters that was used in that project. the gcode seems to not tell me much.

The G code has all of the information you need.

The Exhaust Flange file shows the following parameters:

Pierce height - .07"
Cut height - .02"
Pierce delay - 1 second
Cut speed - 60 inches per minute.

  • the pierce and cut heights appear to be too low, but when you add the .040" that is added for springback and backlash on this line - G0 Z0.04 (IHS Springback + Backlash), they would be effectively .011" and .06".

thank you for the info. This is good reference material needed to analyze the Gcode.

I’ll post a breakdown of all of the important lines in that cut file, when I get back to my laptop.

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G0 X2.463 Y0.9944 - Go to start point
G92 Z0. - set current location as Z zero
G38.2 Z-5. F100. - probe Z axis down (up to 5 “) until the IHS switch opens
G38.4 Z0.5 F20. - retract Z axis (up to .5”) until the IHS switch closes
G92 Z0. - set the current location as Z zero
G0 Z0.04 (IHS Springback + Backlash) - raise the Z axis .040"
G92 Z0. - set the current location as Z zero
G0 Z0.07 (Pierce Height) - raise the Z axis to .07" for pierce height
M3 - fire the torch
G4 P1. - pause for 1 second
G0 Z0.02 (Cut Height) - lower the torch to .02" for cut height.
H1 - turn on torch height control
G1 X2.2925 Y0.896 F60. ----------------------- These are motion commands
G3 X2.6375 I0.1725 J0. F60.----------------
G3 X2.2925 I-0.1725 J0.---------------
G1 X2.463 Y0.7976------------------
H0 - turn off torch height control
M5 - turn off torch
G0 Z1. - raise Z axis to 1" clearance height