How do I cut diagonally for langmuir firepit?

I’ve been trying to cut the top panel for the pit and can’t get the angle right. What angle does it need to be in fusion? Seems like no matter what I do the torch won’t reach in the mach3 window. Thanks

Moved the torch to full travel and got 23.7x25.36 and made a sheet that size and place the top panel on it. Almost fits but still a no go. Mmm

Just rescale the whole fire pit down so the largest piece fits.

Thanks,I thought about that but They say it can be done at this size on the fire share download. Frustrating but a good learning experience on how to extract every thou out of the table. Cutting paper templates right now to find a good origin lol.

guess I’ll scale it down. I can’t make it fit.

Make it in 2 cuts. Establish a reference, cut 1, slide, re-establish reference, cut 2.