Help with RNR-MOTION controller!

Why when i press estop button, the g code line lost and back to first line in mach3 with RNR-MOTION controller?
Any one can help me please?
Thanks in advance!

Welcome to the forum!

E-Stop is just that: “Emergency Stop”. You’re telling your controller that everything is out of control and needs to be shut down - everything, motors, spindles, code in execution.

To Pause, use the Pause button or the spacebar which is a shortcut for Pause.

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I understand you, but think that all times i have used a UC-100 motion controller with PMDX-122, and it is not have this feature, when i make reset its save the g code line and do not back to first line…

So, you can not help me with this? There are no way to make it to save line number?

Thanks in advance!

I can help you by telling you that this is the way it works with Mach 3 and there is no way to change it.