Help getting crossfire xr running

I am in Colorado. is there someone who could pay to help me navigate through all of the software in order to get me and my crossfire xr running?

Welcome to the forum. I’m moving your posting to the XR Category where it will get more attention.

I live in Colorado, hopefully close to you.
I have only made my first few cuts with my new XR in the last few days and I’m still working thru some issues myself and surfing the forums to learn more. I feel I’m comfortable with the some software because of my background with computers and 3D printing. If nothing else maybe I can help and two heads will accomplish more than one.

Thanks Brian!
I live in Steamboat Springs. It would be great to get some help with this. I sent you an email with my info. Please contact me to let me know if/when you might be able to help with some troubleshooting.
Thanks again!