Hello from porter

hey everyone, im going into all this with absolutely no experience. my father just got a 4x8 crossfire xr running a razorweld cut 45 with fusion 360 and i have been given the monumental roll of figuring this stuff out. i have no idea what anything pertaining to those means. needless to say i need baby steps, well more like newborn day 1 steps. im going through the forum but have no idea what to look for. anything is sure to be helpfull. thankyou in advance

Welcome to the forum Hank.

The best advice that I would have liked was to understand the workflow: design (CAD) to Manufacturing gcode (CAM) to cutting metal (FireControl). You need all three of these pieces of software to really be successful.

Here is a good link to understand that workflow:Software Workflow | Langmuir Systems

Keep in mind that design can come from all sorts of software, basically anything that can create a DXF or SVG file. Manufacturing or making the g-code is limited to two sources: SheetCAM or Fusion 360. Cutting at the table is limited to one source: FireControl.

As for Fusion 360, it is the only software that will do both the design and manufacturing in a one stop package but it is overwhelming at first.

This is a good link to get a quick idea of Fusion 360 but most of them are with older software so the interface has changed. Listen to the words they are saying as those same words continue to be used and are the important things to grasp.

Once you get the table set up, try to limit your urge to create a “masterpiece” before you get your table dialed in. You should make sure that the torch is cutting at the correct height, using the right consumables (OEM designed specifically for your model - based on your cutter I would say buy from Langmuir or George @mechanic416 for right now) and using the settings that limit bevel and dross.

Know that “cut ready” files may not work on your system so it could be a red herring.

Lots of good people here to help you along the way.


thanyou for the quick response. my father has his xr setup and ready to go, he has already started doing simple things. he asked me to help on the computer side of things because he thinks im some tech genius as all parents do. i can go through and make thing almost ready to cut. fixing to make another post for some help on a design. thankyou for the links i will definitely look into them.

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What types of things do you plan to design?

I do like Fusion 360 a lot especially when you start to use the sheet metal modeling and 3D things. YouTube is a great instrument for learning. I usually start my search with “Fusion 360” and then add the words of what I need to do. Many great contributors there. Everyone has their favorites and have different styles of learning but I think “Product Design Online” and “Tyler Beck” are top notch and have broad scoping libraries.

For a more detailed video of design look for TinWhisperer both on YouTube and here. He is actually a member of this forum and I call him a Wizard of Fusion. He will show things that you will watch 100 videos and never see the some of the things he reveals in Fusion.


well at the moment im working on a license plate that i hace a successful simulation for and ready to cut. now im working on a fire pit that idone i just cannot figure out how to fix my extrusion missing 3 holes that another pice will slide into.

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I see that and I also see that you are using this forum effectively with the new topic about that license plate. I also see you are already getting some help there so I will leave you go to that topic.

Have a great day and enjoy the journey!

I moved your other topic into a category that is more likely to get the attention you are needing. The general “unsupported” category is not likely to get much traffic.

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thanks so much for the help.

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Welcome To The Machine.
these People Are Strange but as you already know they are not Bad Company. More like Brothers In Arms. So if you find yourself Dazed And Confused just get Back In The Saddle and keep Riding The Storm Out. Soon you will have a Peaceful Easy Feeling. So Ramble On & Let The Good Times Roll.

Turn The Page

Oh yeah, Listen To The Music


LOL! @Zen , you and @KX9M should collaborate!


Hey @Zen … Here’s something I think you’d like… My BIL loved it !!


Merch for your followers. I love it.

Do you think Bill is actually Jerry Garcia incognito? Hmmm, THAT explains a lot!

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Assuredly the same guy


Tom, I’m SUPER impressed you recognized Jerry!!! I see a future for you in music groupie-ism !!! :wink:
SVG here below---->
Jerry Garcia

Geez, I knew him before you were even born!