Has anybody put the Titan 25T through it's paces?

My order ought to be up soon (hopefully?) and I’m nearly to the point where I need to accept or cancel the order. I’m very excited about it- but also am very aware of how some ‘first run’ products are.

How are these, really? Has anybody used them more than the handful of First Bend videos and feedback I’ve seen on here and the facebook group? For the price, it still seems like it would have to be WILDLY bad to not be worth it, but just looking for some real world reviews.


I don’t own one (outside my budget) but I bet you can put out some decent production numbers.

I’m bending a lot of stuff at home on a tiny press brake where I have to be mindful of how far down I press, or how I set up my piece without a backstop or anything. And I still put out a decent number of parts in just an hour or two of work.

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That’s what I’m doing too, but only for one-sie two-sie prototype volumes. So, juuuuust when you get dialed in you don’t need to make anymore, haha. I am primarily curious how robust the HMI and programming side of the system is; the mechanical part I’m less concerned with. My big concern is this being one of those “Well, if you got one they made the first year the operating system was a little janky and to do XYZ you had to ABC…” kind of things.

A competitor to Langmuir makes plasma tables in my hometown and there is a VAST difference between their first tables and what they put out now. I’m still very excited about it, but feel there aren’t many out there or the ones that are out there aren’t big ‘content’ producers (which I totally get.)

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