Great deal on ArcFlat

nice deal going on with the ArcFlat tables…
$25 off the table
and you get 4 fixture clamps with a purchase of a table…that is another $100 savings…!!!

I am about 2 order 2 tables and 8 clamps and 2 sets of legs…

all shipped to Ogdensburg NY…13669

I live about 1.5 hours from the “MyUS Address” warehouse in Ogdensburg…

I can not find a table of similar size for anywhere near the cost of the ArcFlat…

The next affordable table is the Certiflat table…but the shipping is almost $1000…to make the shipment $300 more that the ArcFlat…

my question is…how big of a package does this arrinve in?


@toolboy each one is individually packed so the package is 2’x3’x0.5’ or so for each block, basically just the block, edge protectors, and wrap. It is a great deal. I ended up purchasing 3 more myself.



I only wish they would put them all on one skid…but I see the problem in that…but I do hope they all ship within a couple of days of eachother…
I do not want to drive 1.5 hrs each way to pick up multiple packages…

No way to wait until the last one arrives to go and pick them all up at once?

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gonna try that and see…but by following the shipping and tracking I should be able to get that done in one shot…I hope…

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Cody…quaetion since you have 3 tables…
I was going to orderr 2 tables and was wondering if 2 sets of legs are really required or worth it…or should I get only 1 set of legs?

well I did it!!!
I ordered 2 tables…
1 set of legs…
bolting kit…
and 8 free clamps…

now the wait…


I think one set of legs is perfect, we have a bunch of 2:1 setups as you described at our facility. It’s a great setup.

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Thanks Cody…much appreciated…
can you check on my order…ahahahahahah

Haha! I saw it come in before I got to the forum. It’ll be awesome! Thank you for the order and can’t wait to see what you build! Cheers!

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Hey, not fair I just ordered TWO and I did not get any deal?? Do I need to return them before I even receive them?

Order #64192

WTH, I paid for two clamps!

got my tables yesterday…and put them together!..\

WOW!!!..what a nice set-up…

easy to put together…nice and clean…oiled…no rust…no issues…and the clamps are pretty sweet also…

I am gunna have sum fun now!!!


did you do the whole JBweld connect them together process?

not expoxy yet…wanting to make sure I want the layout I have…

Dang I like the table and the clamps…making things is so much easier now…


so…I did some serious TIG welding Aluminum today with the table…
I am amazed at how well the table acts as a heat sink and cools the Aluminum so well and after welding it is all only warm…
no warp or bending…

My last el-cheapo table was plate steel…pretty thin and it diod not act the same at all…

makes fabricating so much fun now