Getting ready for my Wife's craft fair

The crossfire is making this year’s craft fair much more enjoyable :slightly_smiling_face:.

Here are some things we have been making:

Key Hanger / Magnetic Memo Board

Simple Key Hanger

Wall Mounted Stocking Hanger

3D Star

Coffee Sign

More Signs


What fonts have you been using?

I think these are Tingler, Ariel, and stencil 1935. I did have to modify them after exploding the text.


Wow! Very nice! The star and coffee sign are awesome! Good luck at the fair!

Are these fonts that are in fusion or are you using Inkscape or some other program?

Thanks for the kind words! I have downloaded many fonts to my pc and they automatically show up in Fusion and inkscape after restarting the program.

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Did u design urself ?

All but the Coffee sign, that was a picture of a vinyl decal my wife found online.

Here is one more:

Wine Rack: