Getting Frustrated with the System Need HELP!

His job file is in the dropbox link above. His settings look correct. It’s something wrong with Sheetcam. You can debug the post processor in Sheetcam and see that when it’s writing the OnPenDown() routine the ‘pierceDelay’ variable is always 0 and not what the tool is set to.

Thanks guys. I have to head out to work now, but will test this in the morning.

@daleworks I nudged Les from Sheetcam, he confirmed it’s a bug:

Yup, I can replicate the fault here. That’s a really odd one.
I’ll look into it a bit further and see if I can figure out what is going on.


Hats off guys for being so helpful!!

@daleworks OK turns out it’s not a bug and Sheetcam is working how it is supposed to. When you select ‘wiggle’ for lead in (under tool configuration) type Sheetcam does not use a pierce delay. Seems confusing to me, but that is how it works. I think it is meant more for thicker plate so the torch doesn’t sit in one spot while it’s piercing and blow slag back on the cutting head. I don’t think it’s needed for 16 gauge but probably isn’t your problem. However you could switch to lead in “normal” while you track down the problem just to rule it out. Sorry for the goose chase.


@Greg9504 I can confirm that removing the “wiggle” allows the pierce delay to be inserted.

G92 Z0.
G38.2 Z-5.0 F100.0
G92 Z0.0
G0 Z0.2
G38.2 Z-5.0 F10.0
G92 Z0.0
G0 Z0.02 (IHS Backlash)
G92 Z0.0
G0 Z0.15 (Pierce Height)
G4 P0.4
G1 Z0.06 F60.0 (Cut Height)

I can’t thank you and everyone else enough for your assistance. I hope to be able to repay the assistance one day.



Dale, just to be clear the wiggle was working as intended by Sheetcam. Now whether or not that was the cause of your issues, I’m not sure. I do think running without it is probably good on the 16 gauge. It will at least eliminate one variable. So you’ll know that your pierce delay isn’t the cause of your problem. Lets hope you don’t have any more issues.

Yeaaa I kinda need help as well please. I downloaded some test cuts from fireshare into sheetcam and set toolpaths and operations with no warnings and everything seems fine in the simulation. Then I upload in firecontrol everything looks good then I start program and then the cuts dont match up. It’s like the machine cuts what it wants where it wants from the picture It is new to me and still trying to learn. any help will be really appreciated!

most files you get from anywhere online may need some work in order to be a cuttable file. I would check the files you download in inkscape or other cad program prior to creating the gcode to make sure everything looks good.

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