Generated Cut Program location

I cant seem to find my generated cut program file. So I can import into Firecontrol

This is my first cut using Firecontrol. Latest Fusion360 version on a Mac OS Desktop. Driver etc all installed.

Created a new part → Created my setup → Generated a new cut program (which shows up in the drop-down list at side of Fusion Display.

But I cant find it anywhere (I usually copy to a thumb-drive to insert int the laptop i use at the table)

Anyone help me find mu cut file. with what im sure to find out is very siimple

Load fusion back up.

Go right to the last pop-up screen when you’re about to post your G-Code.

On the left hand column about halfway down it shows where that file will be sent to when you post it.

Highlight it. ctrl c (copy)

Open up whatever files management system you’re using and ctrl v (paste) in the top bar.

Should bring you right to it.

Edit . Now I’m not sure cuz I read through that you were a Mac owner.
This is how you do it if you’re on a PC though. Lol

YEp. Its totally different on the mac version. Thanks anyway

Please, Is there nobody using F360 on a Mac out there?
I really need your help. Works at a standstill until i get a solution.

Sorry not running Mac, but there should be a field in the Post Processor that indicates where the file will be saved. This is what mine looks like, yours should have something similar…

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I’m at work now, but I can look at my Mac when I get home. I had a heck of a time finding them the first time, but now it’s in the recents in finder.

Macintosh HD> Users> MAC USERNAME> Autodesk> Fusion 360 CAM> nc


Macintosh HD>Users>MAC USERNAME>Library>Containers>com.autodesk.mas.fusion360>Data>Autodesk>Fusion 360 CAM>nc

  • MAC USERNAME refers to the individual Mac username accessed when logging into the macOS. Change it to match yours.

This autodesk article might get you closer.

Autodesk article

I’m not a Mac guy but maybe that’ll work out.

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Beat me to it! Mine is the first one.

The advice you’re getting here is correct, your G-codes are being generated into the location that is shown in the output folder section of the post processing menu. Keep in mind that you can also change the output folder, meaning that you can choose the location where your G-codes will appear once they are generated.

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I send mine to the desktop

Thanks you to everyone for your help. (Even you non-mac cavemen :wink: ) But it took a reinstall of the application. Now , I get the option to set the location for the output file. And all is good.

Really liking the new Firecontrol. Along with the THC & Machine Torch I also added. The table is working flawlessly!

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