I redownloaded Mach3 to start fresh after a recent glitch.
Since then, every time the torch fires, the gcode pauses till I hit Start on Mach3. This has to be an easy fix, but have not seen a fix in the forums.
To elaborate more it goes something like this:
-Moves to x,y
-torch fires
-pauses in place
-Manually press start
-Moves along cut path till finished (torch turns off correctly)
-Moves to next x,y
-torch fires
-manually press start, and torch moves along cut pattern.
repeat over and over for each time the torch fires.
I can include a video if need be, but figured this would suffice.
This could be from the USB cable from your computer to the control box. I had the same issues when I started cutting thicker material and increased the required amperage. Changed the USB cable to one the had the ferrite core on both ends and no longer had the issue.
G-Code looks fine, but there may be an issue with your Mach 3 Dwell settings. You have a dwell after each torch fire (which makes sense since you want a pierce delay), however, your command sequence is:
G4 P1.
Which could be 1 second delay or 1millisecond delay, depending on how your dwell resolution is set. If you see the Dwell light blinking continuously after the torch fires, maybe Mach 3 isn’t processing the dwell command as you are expecting.
I don’t have Mach 3 running right now so can’t check, but look under General Configuration and the setting is at the top of the fourth column IIRC.
Just had the same issue. Found it to be an issue with EMI so we ran a ground wire from the table to the ground in my conduit box. Seems to have fixed the issue for now. Will shout out if it shows its ugly head again.
did you get this resolved?? Mine has the same issue right now when I’ve installed mach on a new laptop. My old laptop works fine but the screen slightly cracked so I got a new laptop but it keeps pauses just like yours. I have checked the settings from my old laptop and they are exactly the same.
EDIT: I got this to work. TomWS was right. There is a setting under general configuration that has to be checked. It is G04 ms or something like that. Mine was unchecked on my new laptop but checked on my old laptop. I checked it and now it works perfectly. Thanks so much TomWS!!
i just had the same problem with pausing. it started after i moved my plasma cutter under my rolling cart eith my laptop. i movef the plasma cutter back under the cutting table and the problem seems to be fixed