Gcode info needed for crossfire post processor

I am trying to make path rules is Sheetcam but need to know if crossfire will automatically turn off THC if speed is lowered in corners, circles etc. and turn on again after specified distance along with speed regained.

Where can I find information about what the crossfire post processor does to make up the gcode ?

Firecontrol automatically turns off the THC when the torch speed is less than 85% of the program speed.

If you make a path rule that slows the feed rate for holes, small arcs, etc, Firecontrol will automatically turn off the THC during those slow downs and turn it back on when the speed exceeds 85% of the program speed.

It is never a good idea to add any THC on/off commands in Sheetcam using path rules or code snippets. Firecontrol will not understand them and throw an error.


Does the crossfire post processor automatically reduce speed on circles or lines or do I have to make a path rule for that feature

You have to make a path rule.

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The CAM process will do that with Fusion 360 if when you are creating your tool path, you check the box “Feed Optimization”

If you want to change the rule already set as default, you would go into this sub-menu:

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The OP is using Sheetcam. The path rule is the equivalent to feed rate optimization in Fusion.

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Oops!!! Well, never mind…

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I should have mentioned I made the cad drawing in vcarve pro, saved it as a dxf and imported the dxf file into sheetcam then did the post processing in sheetcam and saved it as a tap file. In sheetcam I only used the default layer which has some circles, corners & some straight lines and of course the perimeter. no path rules were made. Now my question is "when the crossfire cuts this file will it slow down the cut when cutting the circles and corners " or do I have to create a path rule in order to slow down the cut. I do not use fusion so that reply does not help me and Im not concerned about the THC.
thank you

FireControl only does what it is told to do. It does not make any adjustments on it’s own.

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If the cut file says all cuts at 100ipm, then the whole thing will be cut at 100ipm regardless of twists, turns, culdesacs, and u turns.

Whatever CAM program you use sets those rules for federate adjustments in the twists, turns, culdesacs, and u turns.

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that answers my question. thank you sticks. I will now make up the path rules

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You only have to make the rule once. After that, you can leave it as the default or select it when you want to apply it to a cut file.