Gcode info needed for crossfire post processor

I am trying to make path rules is Sheetcam but need to know if crossfire will automatically turn off THC if speed is lowered in corners, circles etc. and turn on again after specified distance along with speed regained.

Where can I find information about what the crossfire post processor does to make up the gcode ?

Firecontrol automatically turns off the THC when the torch speed is less than 85% of the program speed.

If you make a path rule that slows the feed rate for holes, small arcs, etc, Firecontrol will automatically turn off the THC during those slow downs and turn it back on when the speed exceeds 85% of the program speed.

It is never a good idea to add any THC on/off commands in Sheetcam using path rules or code snippets. Firecontrol will not understand them and throw an error.