Help, please I’m using a Razorweld 45. The the lead-in and lead-out of the cuts is putting a “V”. I’m not sure where the setting is to correct this issue. Thanks Langmuir for the files for us newbies. Thanks in advance.
It appears that you are cutting on the outside of the profile rather than the inside. In fusion make sure the red arrows are on the correct side of the profile.
You do not need a lead out. Deselct leadout.
and also switch your cut profile. If you have not watched the training videos I suggest you watch them. They go through everything you need to do to get cutting properly.
Wyatt, I verified the arrows. That is good to go. If the arrows are select the other direction I get errors. So I’ m good on that part.
Shaunlb going out to test.
The reason you were getting errors is because your lead in/outs are too big to fit in the small profile. If the arrows were on the correct side you wouldnt have lead ins and outs on the outside of the profile.
I changed the lead-ins and lead-outs. The top row and holes on the right side on the direction of the arrows. It skips the top row and the holes. I added some screen shots of my setup.
The top row of stars and the holes on the far right side have the arrows on the correct side. The reason they arent cutting is because your lead ins/outs are still far too large to fit within those contours.
All other stars and the left side holes have the arrows on the incorrect side.
The arrows need to be inside things like the stars so the pierce hole is on the waste piece. If you get errors when you do that it means your lead in value is too high. It looks like you got a pretty large one based on the cut you showed. I’d shrink it to something like 0.1" with a 90 degree angle so you don’t bump it into the star points & corners.
Ok, I have it know. I guess I need a few more hits of the forehead on the desk. Thanks
Its a steep learning curve but you will get it! Just stick with it and we are all here to help whenever we can.
Thanks guys, I’m loving the mental challenge.