Fireshare Download Issues

Anyone else having trouble downloading files from FireShare? It seems that anytime I am trying to download a file that is “Cut Ready for IHS/THC” it does (or will) not actually download the files. I have tried it using all the options (with custom settings or as is) and nothing.

Any ideas… I have no issues that are not posted as “Cut Ready for IHS/THC”

I’m having the same issue, seems to be the cut ready files that are not downloading.

@JBearclaw @ksquar If you let us know what file(s) you’re after and what parameters you’re looking for I’m sure there’s a lot of members here that would download that apply the parameters for it and repost it until FireShare gets fixed.


Looking for Mike Caffey’s “Contraption Toilet Paper Holder” for the great grandson as a kindergarten grad gift. He’ll need some assembly help obviously but loves the mechanical stuff. Any help appreciated.