Fire Control- restart

In firecontrol (21.1.2) is there a way to restart a cut that you paused or stopped? If firecontrol stops the cut for an error message it will generate a file and pick up where it left off, if I pause/stop the cut it doesn’t do this. Is there a way to select a point that you want it to restart at? Also is there a video on this? Thanks

as long as you have not lost your startpoint it is easy…
you can scroll down the gcode clicking on the lines and it will show up on the display where you are…or I believe you can just click on the display and it will highlight where in the code / loop you are.
then you can “Load from there”…and away you go…

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This video should explain what’s possible with ‘Run From’ manipulations. If you’ve paused the program, you will be able to just press Start to restart the program from the current location.

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