Fire Control ihs issues

I had to buy a new machine torch, and got the new one hooked up but am getting this message. I have cleaned the z axis holder, and the torch will go up and down using toggle on computer. Thoughts

Is the green IHS light left bottom of fire control illuminated?

If so maybe part of your circuit for the IHS became loose or disconnected


One of the two wires that go into the sides of the Z axis is disconnected or the switch inside the Z axis is stuck open.


The “buy a new machine torch” tells me if it isn’t one of the above suggestions, you may have an issue with how it’s mounted.

Pictures of your assembly?

Phone-pics of a screen doesn’t really tell us anything.

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yes the green light is on not greyed out

I sent it just to see if people recognize the error. I will get a setup pic for you

So the green light means that the circuit is open.

The machine wants to see the circuit in a closed state at the beginning of cutting.

The torch pushing into the sheet triggers the circuit to open this will turn the on light green and activate the IHS.

It being open before cycling is seen as an error condition