Fire Control / G code issue

I just got my pro table put together and loaded fire control on my computer. I was able to download and load the brake in program and run everything fine. Now to the issue I’m having… Every time I try to load g code into fire control I get a “line 22” error message. It does not matter if I make a part or down load something I get the same error message. I have looked over the directions and made sure I have the correct post processor multiple times. I think I still might be missing something here. I own the original crossfire and never had this kind of issue before.
Picture and G code below

Thank you

(16 guage)
G90 G94

(2D Profile1)
G0 X0.8513 Y1.6528
G92 Z0.
G38.2 Z-5. F100.
G92 Z0.
G0 Z0.3
G38.2 Z-5. F14.286
G92 Z0.
G0 Z0.04 (IHS Springback + Backlash)
G92 Z0.
G0 Z0.15 (Pierce Height)
G4 P0.5
G0 Z0.063 (Cut Height)
G1 G41 X0.8513 Y1.6528 F75.
G1 X0.861 Y1.6353
G1 X0.9397 Y1.679
G1 X0.9484 Y1.6839
G1 X0.9498 Y1.6862
G1 X0.9533 Y1.9123
G1 X0.3533 Y1.2815
G1 X0.357 Y0.6968
G1 X0.9438 Y1.3085
G1 X0.9499 Y1.6962
G1 X0.9501 Y1.7062
G1 X0.9488 Y1.7085
G1 X0.863 Y1.7599
G1 G40 X0.8527 Y1.7427
G0 Z1.

G0 X1.1899 Y1.6506
G92 Z0.
G38.2 Z-5. F100.
G92 Z0.
G0 Z0.3
G38.2 Z-5. F14.286
G92 Z0.
G0 Z0.04 (IHS Springback + Backlash)
G92 Z0.
G0 Z0.15 (Pierce Height)
G4 P0.5
G0 Z0.063 (Cut Height)
G1 G41 X1.2089 Y1.6444 F75.
G1 X1.2369 Y1.73
G1 X1.24 Y1.7395
G1 X1.2394 Y1.7421
G1 X1.0884 Y1.9103
G1 X1.0804 Y1.3065
G1 X1.6494 Y0.6782
G1 X1.6699 Y1.2625
G1 X1.2327 Y1.7495
G1 X1.2261 Y1.757
G1 X1.2235 Y1.7578
G1 X1.1257 Y1.7372
G1 G40 X1.1298 Y1.7176
G0 Z1.

G0 X1.1734 Y2.6223
G92 Z0.
G38.2 Z-5. F100.
G92 Z0.
G0 Z0.3
G38.2 Z-5. F14.286
G92 Z0.
G0 Z0.04 (IHS Springback + Backlash)
G92 Z0.
G0 Z0.15 (Pierce Height)
G4 P0.5
G0 Z0.063 (Cut Height)
G1 G41 X1.1909 Y2.6319 F75.
G1 X1.1474 Y2.7107
G1 X1.1426 Y2.7195
G1 X1.1403 Y2.7209
G1 X0.7877 Y2.7277
G3 X0.7536 Y2.7235 I-0.0025 J-0.1215
G3 X0.7213 Y2.7097 I0.0329 J-0.1216
G3 X0.6917 Y2.6856 I0.0708 J-0.1169
G3 X0.6685 Y2.6521 I0.1083 J-0.1
G3 X0.6547 Y2.6121 I0.1383 J-0.07
G3 X0.6516 Y2.5837 I0.1576 J-0.0312
G3 X0.6567 Y2.5403 I0.1593 J-0.0034
G3 X0.6726 Y2.5017 I0.1477 J0.0384
G3 X0.6976 Y2.4701 I0.1242 J0.0724
G3 X0.7273 Y2.4487 I0.0914 J0.0957
G3 X0.7591 Y2.4372 I0.0574 J0.1092
G3 X0.7821 Y2.4346 I0.0251 J0.119
G1 X1.315 Y2.4243
G3 X1.3491 Y2.4285 I0.0026 J0.1215
G3 X1.3814 Y2.4423 I-0.0329 J0.1216
G3 X1.411 Y2.4665 I-0.0708 J0.1169
G3 X1.4343 Y2.4999 I-0.1083 J0.1
G3 X1.4481 Y2.54 I-0.1383 J0.07
G3 X1.4511 Y2.5683 I-0.1576 J0.0312
G1 X1.4738 Y3.7405
G3 X1.4687 Y3.7839 I-0.1593 J0.0035
G3 X1.4528 Y3.8225 I-0.1477 J-0.0383
G3 X1.4279 Y3.8541 I-0.1242 J-0.0724
G3 X1.3981 Y3.8755 I-0.0914 J-0.0957
G3 X1.3664 Y3.887 I-0.0574 J-0.1092
G3 X1.3434 Y3.8896 I-0.0251 J-0.119
G3 X1.3093 Y3.8854 I-0.0025 J-0.1215
G3 X1.277 Y3.8716 I0.0329 J-0.1216
G3 X1.2474 Y3.8474 I0.0708 J-0.1168
G3 X1.2241 Y3.814 I0.1083 J-0.1
G3 X1.2103 Y3.7739 I0.1383 J-0.07
G3 X1.2073 Y3.7456 I0.1576 J-0.0312
G1 X1.1988 Y3.306
G1 X0.9323 Y3.3112
G3 X0.8982 Y3.3071 I-0.0025 J-0.1215
G3 X0.8659 Y3.2933 I0.0329 J-0.1216
G3 X0.8363 Y3.2691 I0.0708 J-0.1168
G3 X0.8131 Y3.2356 I0.1083 J-0.1
G3 X0.7993 Y3.1956 I0.1383 J-0.07
G3 X0.7962 Y3.1673 I0.1576 J-0.0312
G3 X0.8013 Y3.1238 I0.1593 J-0.0034
G3 X0.8172 Y3.0852 I0.1477 J0.0383
G3 X0.8422 Y3.0536 I0.1242 J0.0724
G3 X0.8719 Y3.0322 I0.0914 J0.0957
G3 X0.9037 Y3.0208 I0.0574 J0.1092
G3 X0.9266 Y3.0182 I0.0251 J0.119
G1 X1.1931 Y3.013
G1 X1.1874 Y2.7199
G1 X1.1303 Y2.7211
G1 X1.1203 Y2.7213
G1 X1.1179 Y2.72
G1 X1.0663 Y2.6343
G1 G40 X1.0834 Y2.624
G0 Z1.

G0 X1.3295 Y4.2296
G92 Z0.
G38.2 Z-5. F100.
G92 Z0.
G0 Z0.3
G38.2 Z-5. F14.286
G92 Z0.
G0 Z0.04 (IHS Springback + Backlash)
G92 Z0.
G0 Z0.15 (Pierce Height)
G4 P0.5
G0 Z0.063 (Cut Height)
G1 G41 X1.3112 Y4.2216 F75.
G1 X1.3473 Y4.1392
G1 X1.3513 Y4.13
G1 X1.3535 Y4.1284
G1 X1.3634 Y4.1273
G3 X1.4299 Y4.1623 I0.0074 J0.0666
G3 X1.524 Y4.9516 I-0.3403 J0.4409
G3 X1.4567 Y4.9902 I-0.0966 J-0.0907
G1 X1.0653 Y4.9953
G1 X0.6739 Y5.0014
G3 X0.6055 Y4.9649 I0.0255 J-0.13
G3 X0.6768 Y4.1731 I0.4242 J-0.3609
G3 X0.7975 Y4.1747 I0.06 J0.0299
G2 X0.8702 Y4.2486 I0.2621 J-0.1851
G2 X1.0251 Y4.2919 I0.1992 J-0.4137
G2 X1.0552 Y4.2942 I0.0434 J-0.3759
G2 X1.0848 Y4.2911 I-0.0243 J-0.3776
G2 X1.2388 Y4.2433 I-0.0571 J-0.4557
G2 X1.3093 Y4.1673 I-0.1968 J-0.2534
G3 X1.3634 Y4.1273 I0.0615 J0.0267
G1 X1.3734 Y4.1262
G1 X1.3758 Y4.1273
G1 X1.4351 Y4.2079
G1 G40 X1.419 Y4.2197
G0 Z1.

G0 X2.0052 Y4.191
G92 Z0.
G38.2 Z-5. F100.
G92 Z0.
G0 Z0.3
G38.2 Z-5. F14.286
G92 Z0.
G0 Z0.04 (IHS Springback + Backlash)
G92 Z0.
G0 Z0.15 (Pierce Height)
G4 P0.5
G0 Z0.063 (Cut Height)
G1 G41 X1.9953 Y4.2083 F75.
G1 X1.9172 Y4.1634
G1 X1.9086 Y4.1585
G1 X1.9072 Y4.1561
G1 X1.9044 Y2.7184
G2 X1.4841 Y2.1001 I-0.9457 J0.191
G1 X1.9626 Y1.5903
G1 X1.9487 Y0.0587
G1 X1.0719 Y0.9394
G1 X1.0611 Y0.1222
G2 X0.9939 Y0.04 I-0.0783 J-0.0045
G2 X0.929 Y0.1241 I0.0133 J0.0773
G1 X0.9418 Y0.9413
G1 X0.04 Y0.0863
G1 X0.0702 Y1.6176
G1 X0.5632 Y2.1134
G2 X0.1609 Y2.7435 I0.5485 J0.7937
G1 X0.2106 Y4.5903
G2 X1.071 Y5.3867 I0.8744 J-0.0817
G2 X1.908 Y4.5658 I-0.0393 J-0.8773
G1 X1.9072 Y4.1461
G1 Y4.1361
G1 X1.9085 Y4.1338
G1 X1.995 Y4.0837

There is a G41 g code on line 22 which is unsupported. Make sure you use ‘in computer’ when creating your G code in Fusion 360.

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Where is that located in fusion ?

Right around 4:30 into that video it starts discussing it.

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Thank you for the help !!!

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OST for later

Extra characters

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Hey man, What did you find out about this issue. I’m in the same boat… Had the first cross fire and Mach 3 with no issues like this. Everything I have in G code that worked before shows this error code now. I also got one on line 3 not sure how it was changed from the original. The video doesn’t mention anything along these lines. Thanks for the help.

This will be addressed in the next version of FireControl with a more specific error.


The solution to it is as Daniel mentioned above: Make sure you use ‘in computer’ compensation when creating your G code in Fusion 360.

I have done this and still get the error in line 3 on my computer

Anyone know how to fix this issue exporting from Sheetcam? Thanks.

Somepunk what specific issue do you have?

Every time I try to upload a file to Fireshare, it tells me error at line 27 or 29. Unsupported or invalid g-code. Trying Fireshare 20.4 and 20.5. Also trying post processors 1.5v and 1.6v with no luck. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

Hard to determine what the issue is without the G-code. Can you post it here?

Just emailed it in. Thanks.

All fixed up! Had a random path rule that had to be deleted. Thanks Langmuir support!