Finger Metal Brake

I’m interested in these metal brakes. Anyone familiar with these 2 styles and the benefits of each?

KAKA Industrial PBB-4012, 40-Inch Pan and Box Brake Foot Clamp, Max Cl

KAKA Industrial W-4812 48-Inch Heavy-Duty Pan and Box Brake, 12-Gauge

I see that first one has what look like some kind of Shock Absorber looking thing, I wonder it that is to assist. Bending 12ga at full width will take some muscle!
They both look pretty beefy and weigh a lot. If you get one be sure to come back and post your findings.
Have you found any reviews on them?

With the fingers being lower on the 48", I assume you could make a deeper box?

I have a Kaka 52 shear and its great. Well built cast iron. They have good stuff. My brake is Tennsmith 48"

I bought a 1962 Dreis & Krump Chicago model L31 which is a 48" finger brake rated for 12 ga. The Chicago was the brake the importers knocked off to make the W-4812. Very good design but can’t speak to the quality of the Kaka. I’ve talked to a few folks with the Grizzly G0542 and the comments were positive. Still trying to learn the ins and outs of sheet work.

I agree 48" of 12 ga cold roll will take a couple of guys to bend. Mine’s rated for 11ga
But anything larger than 24 " take two guys to bend. Aluminum there is no problem .

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I agree both brakes look to be of good quality. Most people look at sheet metal and think "That is not very thick that should bend easy!