Finally got my first piece cut out

Made the drawing in Fusion, sent it to Gcode, and cut it out .

I also added a few extra things to the table, it’ve posted them in my drop box link below.

Nice!! That’s a great start… Sky’s the limit!!

Looks like some nice additions to your table. Especially the cable ways. Did you put a lubricator on the air system? Filter regulator then lubricator then filter? The reason I ask is usually the lubricator would be on the end after the filters. Wont the last filter take the oil back out of the air?

Your parts turned out nice.

Its a loose media filled dessicant filter to remove moisture down to the ppm level. I’ve got some pre-treatment before this modular filter, regulator, dryer system and I just wanted to make sure that the plasma unit is protected. I’ve been involved in compressed air systems in my line of work for decades and if you have any questions about air compressors, filterration, installation I would be more then happy to answer them.

I see the middle unit lookslike an oiler but I guess the dome on top is a pressure present indicator?

Very nice! I just put mine together today and I was thinking of 3D printing a cable drag as well. I think I’ll do it after seeing your pictures.

Nice looking setup you got. Great job.

Set-up looks great, my crossfire is due to land here on Tuesday.
I would like to ask you a question about my air system.
I have had my plasma cutter for over a year and it has worked just fine but I have not used it very much, the air line I put together has worked just fine with minimal use. I am worried now that when I get the table the air dryer will not be good enough. Is this type of dryer going to be OK,?Locals use them in their body shops for painting here alot.

Thanks for your advice.

It’s hard to tell which filter you are refering to, I can say that using a dessicant filter (activated alumia and or silica gel) is a good way to go it changes color once all of the sieve has adsorbed to if’s full potential. Most industrial users go with a refriderated dryer or regenitive molecular sieve dryer which are much more expensive. You can achieve dew points anywhere from 0 degree’s clear down to -100 degree’s but for our use anything with a dewpoint of around 0 degree’s F should be more then enough. Depending on how much I use mine for now this 1/2" unit will work, if I find that I really start running a lot more air through it I can put them in parallel to give me more run time. Yesterday when I cut out my little project I could tell that my compressor never even kicked on during the cut so it did not use the amount of air I thought it would.

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Ok thanks, I will stick with this one for now, this 3 phase beast should supply plenty of air(I hope)

Yep, it’s a Curtis that is a good one, 2 stage, 175 psi, cast iron cylinders, splash lube and nice industrial motor all sitting on top of a ASME vessel, it will give you years of service.
What kind of pipe is that white one?
The only reason I ask is there are some non-metal piping made for compressed air systems that won’t turn into schrapnel when there is an impact to it or becomes stressed, and some that will do damage beyond the imagination.

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