Not that it’s relevant but I have an Eastwood scroll and a very small desiccant dryer set up that works fine.
At my work we run 1000 cfm compressors with desiccant driers, with auto change over dessicant tanks etc.
We always run the air receivers before the driers to save load on the drier. We have enough air to waste so we leave the drain valve cracked open. The drain valve on the driers are automatic.
We need to achieve 40f / 40c for our process. In the summer humid months we add an additional air cooler before the dessicant drier. This is just a tank with a radiator and fan on.
Not only does the ‘wet’ storage tank save load on the dessicant drier it also protects it and gives early notice when the compressors decides to spit out its oil.
We then have a few ‘dry’ tanks dotted around the building. End of lines etc of near more demanding equipment.
For the little systems in most shops running copper intercoolers or radiators it’s what ever works for your space and set up etc. Run copper tubing though a bucket of water it it helps. What ever works for you.