Files dont work

trying to use dxf files if the software. when selecting the tool paths when I simulate, it just follows the outside border of the image and wont go beyond that. nothing on the inside of the image sill show on the simulation. If I create my own file from something I create, everything works help.

Not sure what your trying to say

A screen shot or two would help. If you share the dxf file, we can help a lot more efficiently.

DXF files can have a lot of bugs in them. When you create your own design, it is basically as pure as a new born baby. It has not been corrupted by conversions from one program or file type to another.

If the tool paths are disregarding the inside contours, there are incomplete connections of lines or lines on top of lines, most likely. Fusion 360 will often disregard those contours.

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What program are you using for CAM? Ie what program are you importing the DXF into?

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could also be that his design is in multiple layers and he is only running the gcode for one of the layers. Either join them all in one layer or grab all the layers (if sheetcam) before you run the gcode.
Can keep blindly guessing until we see what software he is actually using.

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And there are many who will, no doubt… :expressionless: