F3g to DXF or SVG

Anyone care to change theses f3g file to DXF or SVG
I am going to try deepnest

Thank you
Rivertown angle bracket 4x10 x18ga v4.f3d (131.9 KB)
Rivertown angle bracket 7x13x18ga v1.f3d (126.7 KB)

I’ve tried deepest a few times. I was not impressed. I played with a bunch of the settings and just waited forever for it to kick out some arrangements for me. One nest it couldn’t fit them all on my sheet, at least I didn’t want to keep waiting and I just manually nested it all.


It doesn’t work for me either. I gave up on it for now.

Can I manually nest them in fusion without the Add-on?

I use the FireControl nesting. I realize you want to make as many out of a sheet as possible.
That program will put a crap load on a sheet but will not optimize it like your wanting

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I have done it in firecontrol also, but these would work out much better optimized


I get it. Deepnest just has not worked out for me.
Maybe some of the other rocket scientists can help.

Can you send me a picture of what they look like it is also possible to do nests in sheetcam. I can’t now but possibly later today. I would definitely need dxf file.

My computer has issues with f360 the only way I can get it to open a file is to upload it in the cloud .

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I can no longer export as a DXF or SVG. Let me play with it and see what I can come up with

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I mean; deepnest DOES work. It just takes a while, and the nests were not to my satisfaction. To increase the number of potential rotations and other options increased the nest time exponentially.

But I just nest in my svg program and it’s cake. Can’t you just copy and paste in fusion and rotate stuff close together?

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Deep nest is trying right now, copy and paste is next. Remember I am a fusion failure!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Oh yeah, I don’t use fusion either. I’m all SVG drawings.

15 mins and deepnest just keeps spinning. must be something wrong

I don’t know if this came across the right way but there were no sketches so I projected the flat pattern to a sketch and converted in Fusion 360. (Fusion 360 needs a sketch to save as a DXF file).
Rivertown 4x10Chelan.dxf (3.5 KB)
Rivertown 7x13Chelan.dxf (3.3 KB)

Edit: I changed the bend lines to construction lines:
Rivertown 7x13BendConstruction.dxf (3.4 KB)
Rivertown 4x10 BendlinesContruction.dxf (3.6 KB)

That’s what it does for me, too. Just sits there spinning.

Thank you I did not know it had to be a sketch. I will take a look.
I was able to just get it done in firecontrol.
I was able to rotate and nest it just like I wanted, it was pretty easy for just 4 pieces. I stumbled around in fusion longer and got no where



You know I like to try these things anyway just to learn. I found out that Deepnest does not like construction lines. It separated one of the objects into two pieces. I am not sure either file would have worked with the way it turned out: you would have had to delete the bend lines all together.

So what I am saying is: you would not have been successful with the files I converted. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I would think arrange in Fusion should be of help. It might take some tinkering with thefile, but I’ve had good resuts.

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I don’t have a paid subscription anymore so that’s not an option for me.

Nope, it’s just ugly slow. Even if I wait, I find I can nest manually just as good and in a lot less time. Try leaving it overnight and see if it comes up with something better but I’ll bet not :slightly_smiling_face:

As @brownfox noted, the time grows exponentially as it deals with variations.