F360 Help Needed: Cutting a small slit in 16ga. How to start cut INSIDE slit vs outside?

Hello, as title said… looking for some guidance please in fusion 360.
So, this is 16ga mild steel. Looking to cut a small 6"x2" plate out. in center of this place i have a small 1.5" x .07" slot. (Should work right? Kerf width is .055.)

When i go through my cutting profile, i’ve tried many setting variations within the lead-in and lead-out settings trying to get it to START the cut from within the slot. It keeps wanting to start the cut outside the slot which messes up the platet. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

Ive tried selecting entry positions within ‘linking’ tab. Also tried different loop and side options in ‘geometry’ tab.


Live streaming this answer now.


if possible sharing your F3D file or the shared link to the file.

He is an *.F3D files with the slot working correctly, I also shared a link to the file.

Check out the video for the details.

BiGJiMCFH example live stream nove 14 2022 tinwhisperer v1.f3d (88.0 KB)

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@TinWhisperer – Huge thank you for your in-depth explanation and demonstration! I gave it a go and I wasn’t able to recreate exactly what you were able to do. I tried cutting the part and it cut way more out of the slot than I was hoping. As a result, I resized to 1.5"x .068". Hadn’t cut yet after resize because I was testing out your settings first.

A couple questions.

  1. How did you configure to show your tool path INSIDE the slot? In all my views, I have an outline outside of the slot. Not seeing where this is configurable.
  2. Part of this is likely dependent on question 1. I tried to mimic the settings you had for lead-in, angle and distance, but could not get my start inside the slot; it kept wanting to start outside, similar to my initial example screenshot.

Attached is my file. Wondered what you might see on your end if you have time to take a peek. Probably something super easy I’m betting. I’m a novice, obviously and i’ve only had my CF Pro a month or so. In my short time here, it’s clear that your contributions to this community are huge. Thanks again for your help!

TreeStand_Forums.f3d (324.4 KB)

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I thought you’d be a southerner for some reason.

I am.

From the south of Canada. :joy:

Right on the 49th


You re Welcome.
happy to help keep our community cutting .

Lets take a look at your file.


Public Link for file download and part review

oops forgot to turn on the mic… :man_facepalming:t2:

I’ll to a quick recap video in five minutes. 4:20 pm mst with mic on

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@TinWhisperer – Man, you are good. Do you ever sleep? :slight_smile:

So, everything you went over makes complete sense.
I learned quite a bit from your videos. My file may have been a bit of a tangled web because I had a number of other models/sketches that I deleted before I sent over to you. Looks like there were some remnants left hanging out in the browser bar.

My typical process is sketch → extrude → manufacture → setup → cutter profile

I had selected chain of paths in this case because if I have a small or narrow spot to cut, F360 will skip those tiny holes when I try to select entire body for generating cut path.

Looks like the sketch was lingering which affecting the ability to create the desired cut path on the actual body/model. I did just as you demonstrated with the file I sent to you and like magic, my cut path hit center of the slot just like you described…

I was able to cut the model and forgot i had dropped size to .068 and had to resize to .072 and recut and it was perfect.

Thanks a ton for your help. You need a venmo or some way i can buy you a coffee, beer or even a soda.

Thanks again for all you do!


I agree I have seen tip jars on you tube you really need to get something, you deserve some kind of compensation.