Expanded table to almost 4foot

I haven’t gotten the machine even running yet and decided I wanted to be the first to expand it. Hard part is done now. Will install the leadscrew tomorrow.
Decided to do it this way as I thought it was easier but it ended up being more work. Next time I will do my other design which will take less time and money.
As it sits I measure 41.75” max travel
Only part I need now is a replacement motor as ups damaged mine. Should be fully operational in a few days
Height control is next on my list as soon as money starts to roll in. I already have it planned out however it will not be a cheap upgrade

Feel free to ask questions or leave comments
Paul at GambleGarage


I dig it! I’ll be watching for the THC!


I’ll be watching this thread closely, very interesting!

Nice work. Where did you buy the new screw - do you have a link?


I would also be interested in where you found the extended screw.

Already ordered parts to extend mine… 5ft 1/2” 10 5 start lead screw, 6ft stainless 2x2 tubing. Probably rebuild the entire table out of thicker tubing and make it a lil more beefier.


I was going to use 316L tubing but it was over $120 so I wanted to try this option first.

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Ebay … Langmuir recommended using a 1/2 10 5start screw to prevent whip… found a 5ft on ebay

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How far you extending table out to?

As far as a 6ft screw and 6ft stainless rail will let me…my guess is a lil over 4 ft

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looks great man
what did you use for parts to extend it
im interested in seeing more pics

good work

Are the existing lead screws on the crossfire the same size?

Ebay … Langmuir recommended using a 1/2 10 5start screw to prevent whip… found a 5ft on ebay

The originals are 3/8”

6ft 304 stainless was $107, lightly sanded it with 400 on an orbital and then polish with polishing compound and air tool. …


Interested to see the progress of this I currently have a ShopSabre 4x4 ($20k) and looking to see what I can do with this one for smaller projects.

Spent some time on it tonight and got it all done. Only things left are to wire up the plasma, mount the torch, mount the water pan (which I don’t really want to do) and load up mach3.
I’m doing this in my spare time so thats why its taking me so long

I am going to do this on mine when I finish my shop

It’s jogging around…with a nintendo controller haha

So it does have some ‘whip’ to it and it’s 42" of max travel. I have an idea on how to reduce it some and it would only cost $20-30 and a little time to draw and cut a part. I think it will help but not sure until I try it


Impressive man! And didn’t notice too much whip in the video.

its noticeable when it gets to the ends
i’m going to rock it as is for a little bit and see how it does. if all goes well i’m going to change the tube to stainless which was my original plan but the price was a turn off.

Thus far i am …about $88 into the expansion table.
So for a big huge $88 I got 18" more travel which is great for me. Now sadly I need a larger water table. I like how this one looks but I don’t like having to screw it in. So we will see what I come up with but for now I am just have to hook up the plasma and start cutting