That’s awesome you’re 82 I is working so great. I almost bought a 102 I instead of my hypertherm PowerMax 85.
I watched your video too that quarter inch cut looks amazing.
I remember watching a bunch of your videos back in the day when I was waiting for my machine to come in.
I’m a little bit of a hypertherm fanboy, I used to run a everlast 60s on my machine.
I want to give hypertherm a little bit of a fair shake and comparison here though.
Hypertherm powermax 85 CNC 4451.99
Everlast 82i CNC 1319.00
So $ 3132 difference.
But this might be an unpopular opinion but they’re not comparable. you’d be way better off comparing the everlast 82i to the hypertherm powermax 65.
Hypertherm powermax 65 CNC 3450
Everlast 82i CNC 1319.00
So $ 2131 difference.
If we’re comparing inches per minute from the everlast 82 I to the hypertherm 85.
The everlast you’re running at 100 inches per minute at 75 amps.
Depending on whether you’re doing production speeds or best quality speeds on the hypertherm you’d be running 130 to 160 in per minute but that’s at 85 amps.
So 13% more amps but 30 to 60% more speed.
If you decided to run that same machine at 65 amps it would do quarter inch at 90 IPM to 116IPM.
So at 13% less amps it will do pretty well at the same speed.
This kind of affirms that it’s more comparable to the PowerMax 65.
For the money you’re not going to get better than that everlast 82 I but saying it’s 5% difference to the hypertherm 85 is a big stretch. It’s more like 40% faster if you take into account the amperage difference but it is triple the money.
And thanks for producing those videos I enjoyed the new one from today and the ones you’ve done in the past.