Howdy folks. I got my crossfire pro delivered and assembled. Went to make first cut and reading out 0 volts from the VIM after soldering to pins 5&7.
I see lots of other users advising to go a different route and wire direct to the + & - lugs inside the unit.
The clamp lug came off easy enough, but I’m curious how to go about removing the lug for the torch without damaging the components. (See photo). I tried to remove the front cover but the air hose and the transformer don’t provide much slack to maneuver the front cover out of the way.
Is there a surefire way to remove these silver hose clamps from the air hose? Or did y’all go about it a different way? I tried coming in from the clamp side with a wrench but again, not much room to maneuver.
Get yourself a large eyelet terminal and modified to go over stud and tighten the nut back down.
Remember BLACK wire to that terminal and RED to the work clamp stud. Make sure you use the high voltage silicone wire supplied by Langmuir.
Thanks. I actually ended up flipping the red and black pig tail terminals at point of insertion into the VIM and am reading out appropriate voltage and successfully made a cut.
I must have accidentally soldered the 5&7 pins backwards
You should still wire it for raw voltage. The divided voltage board on the cnc port doesn’t give a true 50:1 voltage ratio on the everlast cutters. It’s a known issue and why most everlat users wire it for raw voltage.