Everlast 62i Tool set

I apologize if this has been asked before but didn’t see it anywhere in the forum but would anyone be willing to share their tool sets specifically for the Everlast 62i in sheetcam? I have been making them my own from the vast information on the internet but want to here from the Everlast 62i users specifically. Im working on cut quality with excess dross but it seems like I correct to one variable (cut speed) and get another issue (incomplete cuts or bevel). So id like to see what people are having success with to narrow the parameters I’m changing. Currently only cutting 16g until I have that dialed in.
Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

Welcome to the forum…we will all try to help…

if you use the magnifying glass on the upper right of your screen you will find a lot of information on the 62i…even a couple of standard cut charts…

I have a 62i and do not have a full toolset set up yet…I will try to post what I have soon.
but if you have a bevel issue…look for any pattern on where the bevel is…is it always to one side of a pattern…it could be the swirl ring in upside down…could be the torch is not level with the metal.

I found 90% of my issues with those before the toolset changes…

I appreciate the response. I try and make sure the swirl ring is in correctly I need to mark it to make sure I guess. I use a digital angle finder and check it periodically. Only cut chart I could find in the Forum is for the 50s which is what a started with I think I would have more confidence if I had more information direct from the user.

it is the one I used to start with…the you fine tune based on your environmental issues…

  • clean or dirty metal
  • real dry air…or moderately dry air

the differance between the 50s and the 62i is only the ability to cut thicker metal…

Did you ever post your toolset. Thanks for your time.

if you use the little magnifying glass on the top right of the screen and enter Everlast cut chart youwill find a few posted here…
Keep in mind they are guidelines…
things that affect your cuts need to be taken into consideration

  • air quality
  • actual torch height
  • tking the time to tune in the sped and amps…

A couple of things I may or may not have mentioned…Everlasts like longer postflow air…I never go less than 30 seconds and when cutting 1/4" and up I almost max out the cooling time…
Also…keep your air pressure stable and at 60-65PSI at all times when cutting…a drop of 5psi means you are missing flow and it affects cuts greatly.

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