Everlast 60s machine torch question

I’ve done that part Dicky. The change to ms.

I don’t know if this is close to what you are experiencing, but i have the 60s with machine torch from Everlast. My machine cuts about the first five pierces, then fails to fire. You can stop mach3 and restart from spot it failed to fire, and it cuts fine. Then works for about another 4-5 pierces and fails again. Everlast told me to check the solenoid and make sure it’s clean. Everything I’ve checked looked good. Not sure where to go from here…when it cuts, it cuts great

can you monitor your air gauge? if it drops too low it will stop cutting

I’ve checked that and it stays steady

i thought of that because it happens to me yesterday. the compressor was off and when the air got used up it stopped cutting. is it blowing air with no arc when it stops?

Yes. It’s just not always firing the arc

Mine never does that… shit I had the ground clamp laying between slats in the water table and it still cut, shitty, but still fired all the way though. I run 70psi for everything. What are you running?

So I cut two pieces yesterday and not one hiccup. I put the hand torch back on. I also used the original USB cord because it had the ferrite thing on it. I also made sure my power cord for the Langmuir control box was plugged into a grounded extension cord.

What settings are you guys using for 16ga hrs?

I used these settings;

.0591 kerf
Small shim
45amp nozzle
130 IPM
75 psi

Had some dross on the back. Not sure whether to slow down the speed or increase/decrease the amps.

The thing cut like a champ. Granted it was only two pieces (bats for Halloween) but like I said, no hiccups.


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Can you see if the blow back function is working? If its not popping all the way back into place it wont light

The tip moves smoothly and with good spring’bsck. How can you tell that it’s working properly?

That’s pretty much it. it’s made to light the arc then pull back when the air pressure builds if it moves smoothly then it’s working.

Just got a warning that i’ve replied too much to this topic…