I guess my project could also go under this category for titan first bends. This is my mini jet boat that I made from scratch and everything was made with the Langmuir plasma and press brake.
I saw it on YouTube and said to myself how hard could it be
If that’s you sitting in that boat, That’s impressive you built that at your age. You shouldn’t have any trouble getting a job. Nice work.
Thank you and yes that is me
Don’t hesitate to post more pictures of your progress I would love to follow along.
I will definitely post more pictures as I go along
Dude built a boat.
I’d start a new thread if you have pics from day one.
Got a bright future in front of you.
What category should I put it under?
Any really. Both Titan and Crossfire. Probably Projects. It will get noticed.
I will after school today
HS or college? I bet you’re in HS. God I would love to have a kid that lived by me like you. I would open up my whole shop to them.
I am in high school
I’ll make a youtube video tonight of like a slideshow style with videos and pictures as the project has progressed up to now.
https://youtu.be/Ftuqzm9sYik this is the video I hope it works.
Well ill tell you what I can build a boat but I’m no editor. I hope yall like it.
Very impressive!
Good job Ethan, it looks great !! Thanks for sharing.
Great job! Great skills to have for the rest of your life. Tell your Dad I’m jealous of his shop. Really nice!
Be careful when you are learning to pilot that thing.
I made some progress recently I got the engine in and the seats which was a real pain and just got the windshield in. Now I’m just waiting on parts and some spare time
Very nice job. Put your order in for a Mercury 300R short shaft for that baby and hold on Ethan.