DXF not open on windows 11 pro (Resolved by Fusion 360 Update)

Is there a way to convert a DXF to SVG ?

Lots of them:

But it is like Tom says, paraphrasing of course: “Garbage in…garbage out.” If the DXF is flawed, the conversion will not correct it.

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Thanks I will try that.

Any update on this? Same problem here.

No. I have a friend running Window 11 and he can open a DFX file but he has a paid subscription.

Dunno if it matters but I run win11 and free f360 and dxf opens fine on my program

I have paid a subscription to Fusion, and it works for me on Windows 11. Now, it worked for me this morning but did not last week. Maybe a problem was on Fusion’s end. I don’t know.

About Importing and Exporting DXF Files

DXF and DXB files are two types of drawing interchange files used to transfer data between various applications.

A DXF (drawing interchange format) file is either a binary or an ASCII representation of a drawing file. It is often used to share drawing data between other CAD programs.

A DXB (drawing interchange binary) file is a specially coded binary version of a DXF file used for plotting, and can be used to “flatten” 3D wireframe drawings into 2D vectors.

You can convert a DXF or DXB file to DWG format by opening the file and saving it in DWG format. You can then work with the resulting drawing file as you would with any other drawing file.

You can export a drawing or (selected objects within a drawing) as a DXF file.

You can control floating-point precision of the DXF format up to 16 decimal places and save the drawing in either ASCII or binary format. ASCII format results in a text file that you can read and edit; binary format results in a significantly smaller file that is faster to work with.

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Related Reference

It is a less-used file format that Autodesk designed back in 1982. I know you sign guys will probably run into it more than I would.

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Thanks BigDaddy. All sorts of good info there!

Thanks for the info. Just weird that same file will open on my computer running Windows 10 but not on my windows 11 computer


I use Win 11 Home and F360 non-commercial (Free) and dxf are not problem. I prefer svg, but dxf insert fine.

Just downloaded the latest fusion update and now it downloads dxf files again. Not sure what changed .

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I spent a year trying to upload an image (obviously not the same image and not everyday of the year…it wasn’t like obsessive-compulsive behavior :crazy_face:). I could do it from the PC but never from my phone to this forum. I would pick and image and pick the button to upload but it would never complete the task. It was as if I was trying to do it wrong all those times. Samsung pushed an update and it has worked ever since.

There was probably one little “pointer” that was switched one way and an update switched it the other or a file corrupted. Obviously, I don’t really know what I am saying. It just works now! :man_shrugging: