Drawing help please!

So we are new to the table and drawing. Is there anyone that would be willing to get on FaceTime with my wife and help her through how to create a dxf to use on the plasma table? Once shown she can play with the program from there.

first off a DXF is not the the file you need for the table. Before anyone can really help you, you need to know the basics. Did you watch any of the Langmuir videos?

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So idk … we have watch YouTube videos and the files I have cut for other people was dxfs sent to me?

did you load that DXF into some type of CAM software?

so you have already made some cuts? im not sure what your trying to say
Are you designing anything yourself? if so what CAD software are you using?
Are you running your design file through some type of CAM software?
Or are you just getting files online and trying to cut them?

Where are you located?

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I am located in Union Sc. I have been sent some dxf’s where I have cut parts and a sign out on my table using fusion 360. Now we are to the point to where we want to make a sign ourself. We have the picture we want to use and modify a little bit but need some assistance with uploading to fusion and “tracing it out”

ok so you using fusion. have you tried drawing anything?
what type of file is the picture you want to draw?

The picture is just one we took with our phone of a guys logo

can you post it here so we can see it? did you take the picture straight on ? not on any type of angle

Anyways go in to the Design space in fusion and look at the top right and you will see a drop down called insert. Select canvas and this will allow you to bring your picture into fusion. Do that and play around and see what you can learn.


In fusion

  1. select your surface and start a sketch
  2. draw a box the size you want the sign
  3. select add “Canvas”
  4. place the canvas in the box and adjust the size to fill the box
  5. decide if you are going to trace the entire picture or if you are going trace 1/2 and mirror that portion.
  6. start tracing

How much experience do you have with Fusion?


Barely any really

That looks pretty good now load it in fusion and start playing around! you will learn much faster if you get in there and play around and learn the basics!

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This is how I started. Fusion has changed so of the terminology over the passed 7 years but the basics are just that.

He goes over the basic skills as well he goes over how to manage the work space in great detail. Worth every minute.


Also consider learning Inkscape. There a chance with that simple 2 color picture Inkscape might beable to complie an SVG (Scaleable Vector Graphic) in just a few clicks. That would be a huge win.

If you and your wife really want to get a handle on this spend about 50 hours following a basic F360 tutorial guide. Its not sexy but afyer about 60 hours of basics you will be able to acomplish just about everything you need for the Crossfire

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I can hook up with you guys on discord sometime.

In the meanwhile if you click my avatar there’s some links to some basic Fusion videos with the focus of creating things to cut on the plasma table.


I watched Lars when I first got started as well but quickly determined I needed to find someone else, there are plenty others.

Here’s a dramatically better F360 creator, Product Design Online
22 videos devoted to only to sketching.


As others have noted, time to attend YouTube University and watch a lot…A LOT of videos. You will need to pick and choose which professor (youtuber) does a good job for you. Some are overly slow in getting to the point, others race through a process and leave a body going “How did they do that?”

@TinWhisperer has done some excellent walk through videos to do what you are trying.


Just speaking from experience, to create a 2D drawing as it translates to being cut on a flat steel sheet --drawing with Inkscape(free download), processing with Sheetcam(license purchase), then cut with Firecontrol is a much simpler workflow. I post all of my projects on Instagram- @electricmetal2015. You’re welcome to email me at electricmetal2015@yahoo.com, maybe we can set up a facetime call and I can show you the basics of creating an Inkscape drawing.