Downloading fireshare files and opening in sheet cam?


Rob, also give this version of your file a try… I went in and got rid of some extra points and lines… I think there was even an extra layer… Not sure of the dimensions… Just want to see if you can get a TAP file without errors… Remember, check dims before you cut…!!

table sheet alignment tool-VERSION-2.dxf (164.8 KB)

When you import, it should look like this…

And, with toolpaths defined like this… If you get this far. You should be ready to cut!!

Thanks, Im going to make some time later today to watch these arclight vids and try to learn a little something before i ask anymore questions! thanks for the reply !

Awesome i will give that file a try once i watch these arclight videos so i will understand a little better while im doing it. Thanks! Also i sent you an email because i replied to an email notification rather then signing on to the forum.

@Plasma_matters… Good deal Rob… Let us know how things work out for you…

BTW… Didn’t see an email from you so maybe it just didn’t send… No worries!!


Sorry guys i didnt mean for it to be this long before i was able to start messing with the software again. I havent had much of a life outside of work for the past couple months. Any how I my schedule has went back to normal so i should be able to start getting this thing going. So… here is where i sit now, I just put the table together yesterday and today will be working on the electronics. Ive now ran into the electrical box and installed the chip they sent and noticed there are three other places that look like connections for something. I didnt see anything in the manual on this and was curious if there even used for anything. Next is that I am completely lost on how to hook up the plasma cutter. I read where is said there was one way to hook it up if there is a voltage divider and another way if there wasnt, but it was one or the other so i assume there are two different set of wires that i would have to choose from??? I dont know how to find out if the primeweld cut 60 has a voltage divider or not ? What do i need to look for? Also the Thc is there anything that i need to know before i dig in? Ive not messed with it yet i plan to get out there here in about an hour to see what i can get done. Any help would be great.
Also just to let you guys know as i get this thing figured out i will try to take pics so that once im done and have the knowledge to help others i can be some help just like you guys have been to me! thanks again!