Double oven powder coat over conversion

Well after sending the control board in and them telling me that it was unfixable due to the parts being discontinued, I had to resort to swapping the electronics from another oven onto this oven so I wouldn’t have to cut up another oven. Worked out great, and the oven is now complete


So temps are good now? Any test pcs done?

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Ya temps seem to be just fine. I just had that piece of aluminum pipe in there to check part temp. Oven oven gets to 400 in about 13 minutes. I will be doing a part tonight for final results though

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I’m about to do the same thing but did you just use the 2 old door seals to seal up both doors again. And just duct tape for the middle?? And what did you use for the hinges to screw to flat steel??

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Would a convection fan help? Maybe low speed.

convection oven fan is great…
I actually got hold of a fan from a hospital blanket warmer…gonna build my oven soon

I used 5/16 or 3/8 (I don’t really remember) sheet metal screws to attach the steel strap to the side of the oven. And yes I just used the original 2 door seals. Since making the oven, the only thing I have changed is the oven controls. The original board went bad so I bought a auber instruments powder coating oven controller. Yes it’s pricey but 100 percent worth it in my opinion.

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When you wired it back up you didn’t hook the broil back up did you?? If you didn’t did you just wire back up for the top as a bake and the bottom cause in mine the top was a broil but I wired it back up as a baking element


With the auber instruments controller I have both elements wired up, so 1 top and 1 bottom. I can control if I want both or just 1 to run. I run both at the same time as I feel it heats up the fastest and maintains temp. That’s what’s so great about the auber controller, once the temp gets to say 400*, the controller will automatically kick off the elements so the temp doesn’t exceed 400, and will also kick them on when I open the door, and will show an actual temp readout digitally, and a set temp readout.

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I ended up doing that myself…twice! Fun project

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I wish I would’ve gone with the auber. I got the inkbird. I dont know if it would’ve made much of a difference. Ovens like ours lose so much heat so fast when putting parts in or taking out. It’s better than using the factory controls though

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I was looking at the inkbird…never heard of this brand…where did you find it?


do you have a model number as I have looked at Amazon and can not find any reference to Auber and al that comes up is Inkbird products

I realize this is an older post but we’re just getting started. We just purchased a Bosch double oven with a dial. After watching youtube posts circuit boards cause issues.
Our question is the Bosch has a load of sensors between the 2 ovens. Convection fans, elements around the fans. I believe that’s the heating elements for convection oven. We’re not sure how much we can delete and have it work. We did learn that once you take tubs out it wants to fall in. Any help would be appreciated. Hard to find double ovens with circuit boards.

LOL, yeah, a bit old (sort of like how I feel…)

I think there are some others on this thread who have done the work to tear a system apart and get it working as a proper powder coat oven. I wouldn’t be much use without a full schematic of the existing oven… Sorry.

Dang sorry fellas. Ive been so busy at work my shop hasn’t hardly been open. Come home go to bed get up go to work. Im sure everyone has figured out everything but if needed ill post the inkbird model shortly. As far as ovens with boards I removed everything and wired a PID.

Hi Guys. After learning my Pro enough to cut some parts I realized that I needed a way to coat them efficiently and cost effective. The high dollar spray cans were not sufficient quality and while I come from a custom autobody / painting background that stuff is nice, it requires a lot of work and is very expen$ive. So I built a 6 X 4 X 4 oven and added an Auber PCO304 controller to control the process. There are so many parameters on this thing to set that I can not figure it out. I wanted to be able to set temp. time ,and push “ON” . Do any of you have some insight on a way to use this…? I will contact Auber this week and while they have been helpful so far I just feel they can not grasp talking to someone that doesn’t know the lingo. If you think F-360 is bad just try one of these controllers…

Sorry to revive a really old thread - any chance you can explain how you pieced this together & what you used to have that kind of room with a double oven? Looking into building an oven like OP’s but this layout would give me much more room to do larger items such as wheels. Thanks!