Does someone mind dry running a file for me, Trying to trouble shoot if mach 3 is acting up

Having an issue with one of my cut files. trying to rule out if its my drawing, mach 3 on my computer acting up, computer etc… seems like it starts lagging and studdering in the same places

I will dry run plazma off

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Thanks, Shoot me an email and I’ll send the dxf blakebahruth@outlook
.com dxf is at I think 5.023 inches typically I scale to cut @ 19" + narrow cut out 30° lead in the rest 90° lead in .12 .058 kerf.

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@richard_horn you can cut it if you want

I notice sometimes some rough movements when I do some text think it has to do with selecting smoothing in Fusion and having it take out some arcs to make it run faster.

Yea I adjusted smoothing multiple times with same results. May just redraw them, just to make sure it isnt some kind of glitch from fusion. I’ve uninstalled mach 3 and controller and reinstalled with same issue.

I have been playing with the file some and there are multiple open lines and lines that look connected but are actually overlapping


@richard_horn went in and looked at dxf I sent lines must have broke when I converted it to dxf. They were connected before in fusion. Tried converting again and same thing keeps happening in drawing I’ll have to go and check overlapping lines though. Thanks for looking over the file for me. I’ll look it over for the overlapping lines

I dont have time to look into this but it maybe worth checking out.


Yes, very useful plugin! Just look for the dots and zoom in. I learned a lot about extend, trim and break fixing errors in one of my very complicated designs. You know you have a problem if you cant extrude, but it’s not as obvious if you can (but have extended lines). This plugin finds them all!

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