Distraught but blessed

As some of you know I retired about a year and a half ago and have been piddling around trying to find something to supplement my income. My wife is still teaching and we live on an 8 acre farm with horses and dogs (turtles and goldfish in a pond). I recently upgraded our kitchen and bathroom doing the work myself on a budget. I recycled a large section of cabinets from the kitchen to my garage/workshop.

Yesterday while we were sitting inside we heard a loud crash. My son had just walked outside to get a popsicle out of the outside refrigerator, he’s 10.

We ran outside as he was coming inside, safe and sound.

The cabinet, which has been up for just under two months, fell.

It was over my crossfire table.

It looked like a small bomb exploded in my garage. Everything from the cabinets was now on the floor. Water everywhere. I was absolutely distraught but relieved that our son wasn’t hurt.

After hours of cleaning up I decided to look at the table. The casters were bent. The y axis was bent. And the caster that I installed on the end of the y axis, had shattered. Today I removed the casters, loosened the bolts to the y axis, straightened, squared and checked everything. It was square. Amazingly it was square. I haven’t plugged it in yet but at this point it looks like I only need to replace the caster inserts and fill her with water.

I thought the table was destroyed. The cabinet was literally on top of it with everything scattered about.

I don’t know if the table will work, but I’m confident. My hat is off to the engineers and designers of this table. It withstood a catastrophe. There is no doubt in my mind that if this table was designed or manufactured overseas the outcome would have been so different.

Thank you Langmuir Systems for a quality product.

Grace and peace,


Ps. - how much for the caster inserts?


Sorry man, glade everyone is ok.

One question:
Is it another southern backwards thing to keep icecream in the refrigerator?
It gets runny up here if we don’t keep it in the freezer.


Cold…I live so far North we keep popsicles outside year round…mwhahaha

Glad to hear the table looks good…


In the winter I open the shop fridge to heat the shop.


It’s so cold here we open the fridge in the summer to warm the shop up :wink:

In the winter we have to chip the ice off the fire in order to warm our hands.